8 Ball |
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Apps Links: Connect your A8 to a PC to emulate you drives, printers, and modems with its hardware. APE Home Page:Connect your A8 to a PC(386+) and use its harddrive, modem, and printer. There is also an FAQ that discusses drives, formats, and images. the SIO2PC site has another program. DJ800.html 380K zip.(16jun2k RLD), also at: umich archive This site is about software to let you connect your A8 to the ST to use its hard drive as virtual drives. You will need an SIO2PC compatible cable. There are no docs, just an info file, mostly development/bug fixes. But, I have more info on my experiences at virtsio.htm. The Umich archives have a lot of atari software. Looking for Software revision lists: For A8: For ST(000): For Falcon(030+): For Lynx: |