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Atari Other Peripherals:
1090 Interface
CX85 keypad(31May09)

Other Atari Peripherals:

Picture Gallery soon.

850 interface(ATARI):
The 850 User Manual is at Manual at atariki

1090 interface(ATARI):
1090 box webpage(from **deceased**) (22jul01)
Description and nice pictures of the 1090 interface expansion box and cards for use with the 800 XL.
1090 docs Download BOX1090.ARC ___31K 05Dec98 docs/specs file.

CX85 keypad:
Handler files(31may09):
cx85.bas: Writes a handler with custom codes HERE
cx85.doc: some info HERE
cx85.lst: assembly listing HERE
cx85b.lst: machine language file HERE
cx85expR.obj: handler for Express BBS HERE
cx85.arc: multiple files HERE

Print the picture in color or black/white(using a paint program-keep the resolution at 100 dpi), apply clear plastic tape or laminate sheeting to protect them, then cut out.
CX85 overlay 8 bit: CX-85 keypad(144K) Overlay.

Still trying to get programming info for the NS804(?) cpu in this device. Even in normal use, the screen is very different than the regular 40 column screen. Atari blundered on this one. They should have matched. This means messing with the controls or using 2 monitors. And most modern NTSC compatable video adapters(pc, etc) overscan a lot. Since there are no adjustments, I need a schematic(now have this), and assembler, etc. to see if this can be fixed in hardware or software. The best outcome is a new driver. The worst is patching the circuit board and/or replacing the rom. Ultimately, creating a new device would be easier.
16dec07:Found an opcode sheet for the NSC800. So it might be the same family. Will create a disassembler and see if it produces logical results LINK.

(27nov06)I was trying to use my ATR8000 in CPM mode, in 80 columns. So far nothing works. Bit3 and XEP80 switched out to using the 40 column screen. AUTOBIT3 actually runs, shows the CPM dir, but the 800 keyboard no longer works.

The text manual is HERE.

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