AACE ATR SIG Newsletter #1 Jan 1984 BY Marc Newman The first AACE ATR8000 SIG meeting was held at the December disk party. It was decided that the ATR8000 SIG would cover all topics related to the ATR8000 but not related to ATARI directly. namely ATR8000 hardware, ATR8000 environment, CPM 2.2 for the Z80, MSDOS and CPM86 for the 8088, COPOWER board from SWP for the ATR8000, and MYDOS for the ATARI ATR8000 user. These topics will be covered both here in the newsletter and at our monthly meeting. Currently scheduled to be held at 3pm during the regular AACE disk party, held on the second saturday of each month. A mixed bag of ATR8000 users showed up at the first meeting. Some have 16K ATR's, most had 64k, and were running CPM 2.2, and several had COPOWER boards. In the next few months we will progress from beginning topics such as CPM configuration, to advanced Programming techniques, operating system fundamentals, and communications. The AACE ATR8000 SIG is interested in making contact with any other ATR8000 user groups. If you know of any, please relay this information to AACE. MYDOS news I have a new patch for MYDOS 3.12 and 3.08 which will finally allow MYDOS to be used with programs such as AMODEM42 to exchange information over a modem. Currently AMODEM42 and AMPLUS16 work with an ATR only in terminal modes under MYDOS using the ATR RS-232 port, and for file XFERS only if you had an 850 interface. These programs seemed to work in the XMODEM protocol mode, not in the capture buffer modes. The problem stems from MYDOS, and caused random garbage (commonly 'D') to be interleaved though your downloaded data. SWP now has a solution to this, and not only does it correct the capture buffer problem under an ATARI 850, but also allows the ATR8000 serial port to be used to upload and download. Here is the fix: 1. Turn off fast writes (MYDOS option O) and write DOS files (H) 2. Check out your modem program. If it works, turn fast writes back on, then go into BASIC and make the following pokes: POKE 3408,67:POKE 3409,0:POKE 3465,234:POKE 3466,234:POKE 3467,234 POKE 3468,234:POKE 3469,234:POKE 3474,67:POKE 3475,0 3. Then go back into DOS and write system files ('option H) to make the change permanent. Many people have called me in regards to running an ATARI based BBS system off the ATR8000. Typically, the main question is in regards to MYDOS 3.12 communications capabilities. Basically, the ATR8000 under MYDOS 3.12 supports the basic modem modes of the ATARI 850, but not the more obscure modes used by AMIS and other ATARI BBS programs. SWP has told me that MYDOS 3.09 and 3.13 should correct some of the deficiencies that the communications driver in 3.12 has, but not all. Specifically the DTR line will be able to be monitored by the user under 3.13, but not automatically as is done with the 850. So you sysop's out there will have to make some changes in your code to run without a 850 but it should be able to be done. MYDOS 3.09 and 3.13 should also have an enhancement to allow directory modes which will allow double sided and 8" users to make better use of all that disk space available with the ATR. Currently, under both MYDOS and ATARI DOS, there is a maximum of 64 files per disk. Under MYDOS 3.09 and 3.13, you will be able to define up to 64 directories with up to 64 files in each. SWP does not have a release date yet, but I will notifiy you when it becomes available. The normal $10 update charge should get you the new MYDOS if you send in your old release diskette. Double sided 5 1/4" drive configuration instruction addendum for the ATR8000 CP/M supplement manual. For systems with two or more drives: 1. Use DINIT option I to format a single sided single density disk in drive B. (Be sure to be working from a backup of your original CP/M distribution disk from SWP). 2. Use DDSYSGEN option 1 to configure your system as explained in the ATR8000 CP/M supplement manual. Then write(DDSYSGEN option 2) the new system onto the newly formatted ss/dd disk in drive A. 3. Use PIP to move PIP.COM and D:*.* files to drive B. 4. Reset the ATR8000 and reboot with the new ss/dd disk in drive A. 5. Use DDINIT to format a double sided disk in drive B. 6. Use DDSYSGEN to move (option 1 to read drive A system tracks, then option 2 to write to drive B system tracks) the CP/M system over to drive B. 7. Use PIP to move all the files from drive A to drive B. 8. Reset the ATR8000 and reboot with the new double sided disk in drive A. 9. Insert the backup of the SWP CP/M distribution disk in drive B. Then run DISKDEF.COM, choosing format option 17, to configure drive B to read the single sided disk. 10. Use PIP to transfer all files from drive B to drive A. Use the command "PIP A:=B:*.*[V]" (no quotes). Other news AACE should be gettinq the entire SIG/M library on 8" disks in the near future. These will be made available to ATR SIG members for a nominal copying charge. The SIG/M library contains a wealth of CP/M 2.2 utilities. We will publish a directory of the disks after we get them in. If you have not yet seen it, BYTE magazine had an excellent article by David Small in the December 1983 issue on the ATR8000. I highly suggest any ATR8000 owner read this. I am running an ATARI based bulletin board an my ATR8000, and have suggested it be a meetinq point for ATR8000 users who have a modem. the telephone ,number is:(now invalid). If You have anything to contribute to the ATR8000 newsletter, or questions regardinq the ATR, give me a voice call @(now invalid). Happy Computing, Marc Newman